
McFarlane Toys Fortnite Ragnarok Figure Review

I came across two more Fortnite toys I liked so I figured I'd do some more photography. I don't know anything about the character so here is what the wiki says: "Ragnarok is a Legendary Outfit in Fortnite: Battle Royale that can be unlocked by reaching Tier 100 in the Season 5 Battle Pass. He is also a character in Chapter 2: Season 5 that was added into update v15.00. Ragnarok first appeared in Season 5, having been pulled from his own viking reality, along with his Viking Village. He appeared once again in Chapter 2: Season 5, appearing at the Superstore next to Holly Hedges. (Formerly Hey Boo! Megastore), now turned into Viking Vessel." Here he is in his shiny new packaging. McFlarlane continues with the nice box art. Here is the contents of the package. I like the way the pick looks, but the shotgun is kinda lacking. The cape attaches by a slot in his back. For some reason his knobby elbows keep catching my eyes. And now for the action shots. Ov...

Cryx Egregore Base WIP 4

As I mentioned in the previous Egregore post I decided to take a risk and create a pool using regular two part epoxy. In hindsight I probaby should have added a skull to the base before epoxying or perhaps used a different color combination. Right now I feel somewhat iffy about the current appearance, but as an experiment I'm quite happy with how it came out. Beyond that though, I really need to learn how to make better bases. I feel like there was more I could have done besides paint a bit and glue over.

Menite Archon

One of our gaming buddies got my wife this guy for her birthday. It was her first attempt at painting flames and she's pretty happy with how it came out. She did everything from cliping & cleaning to the painting. All I did was drybrush the flames a bit and glue sand to the base.

Cryx Egregore Base WIP 3

For the last several days I have been trying to create some sort of water effects to use on the base and have finally come across a possible sucess. Now you may be asking "Vincent why didin't you just use actual water effects?" and I can assure you there is a very good reason. That reason being is I was a derp and threw out my water effects a month or so back and haven't ordered any more yet. After testing a few things and bouncing ideas off of my wife I've settled on using some Gorilla glue two part epoxy. Currently the base is just some greenstuff and P3 Necrotite Green with ample thumbprints added in. I'm hoping after a few layers the green will cover up enough that the expoy will work out alright. Looks like we'll find out in a few days.

Mechanical Attendant

I have a tutorial game of Malifaux in a few days and the crew one of my gaming buddies wanted to use wasn't even attached to their bases yet. So after a breif moment of panic I tossed on a few podcasts such as Trapped under plastic and got to work. All in all I think it looks fairly decent for a hour or so of work. It isn't amazing, but it looks pretty good for a Table top strandard tier of painting.

Cryx Egregore Base WIP 2

I was able to get a little more greenstuffing done today. I have very little experience working with Greenstuff so I'm pretty happy with how things are coming along so far. In hindsight I wish I had thought about putting a third wire in the base before attaching the model to the tendrils. The Greenstuff is still fresh so it's all wobbly and keeps bending in random directions instead of staying strsight.

Cryx Egregore Base WIP

Several years ago I painted and based the Egregore from the Warmachine Cryx Witch Coven while my wife painted the coven themselves. As it was one of the earlier painting attempts I had done, it looked far from spectacular and the base it was on just dissapointing. Recently we decided to play a game of Warmahordes again for a bit and I happened to look at the poor Egregore sitting in the case. And thus we have this: Right now I'm planning on wrapping greenstuff around the wires so that the basing will look closer to the official artwork.

3D Map Dungeon WIP (Radar Center)

Today I was playing a Steam Game called They Are BIllions and I liked the way the map looked. I decided I wanted to run it as a dungeon and began to map out the area. As you can see, I am clearly not the best Cartographer. Grabbing a square of XPS foam (Insulation foam) and a old pen I began to slowly mark out a grid on the foam. Good lord that was tedious. After getting a cramp in my back I finally finished. Grabbing another pen I traced the outlines of the room and scrawled what room was what on the map. Our girlfriend wanted to help witht he project so I suggested she try the hotwire foam cutter. Four sheets of foam and several neck and back kinks later the dungeon has been cut out. I stepped away during cleanup for a few minutes and I discover that the Squigs (our cats) have invaded the dungeon. Say hello to Colette (left) and Pandora (right). Also known as Squiggums and Derpy. In case anyone was wondering, the squigs were named after Malifaux masters. Now that the base a...